Enamel (SEM) Copper Conductors

Enamel (SEM) Copper Conductors

Enameled Copper Conductor is covered with a varnish and mostly used for electric-electronics appliances such as heavy electric, automobiles & home appliances industry. Enameled Copper Conductor is wound in coils to generate magnetic force in various equipment. Shera is using best quality EC Grade Copper and Varnish material procured from renowned manufactures.

Range & Specification

Width : 3 mm to 25 mm
Thickness : 0.5 mm to 4 mm
ROUND : Diameter : 0.15 mm to 5mm
Standards EN, ASTM, DIN
Grade EC Grade
Temper Soft
Enamel Type Terebec / Isomelt/Allotherm


Our products have various applications

Technical Information

ProductChemicalViscosity by 23 C
Solid Content(% by wt.)Recommended for wire size (mm dia)Class of Wire CDistinctive properties or wire enamel/enamelled wireRelevant specification for wires
Terebec 227 -35Modified Polyester110-13534-360.2 – 5.0130Excellent Flexibility & adherenceIS 13730-34 IEC 60317-34
Terebec 256-40Modified Polyester600-80039-410.05-2.0155Low viscosity excellent heat shockIS 13730-3 IEC 60317-3
Terebec TR543-38THEIC Polyesterimide750-85037-390.05-1.6180High tan & bending point and cut through property UL approvedIS 13730-8 IEC 60317-8
Isomelt 1566 M 30Polyurethane20-3229-300.05-0.8155High processing speeds good solder ability high tanIS 13730-20 IEC 60317-20
1380-29Polyurethane95-14528-300.1-0.4180High processing speeds good solder ability high tanIEC 60317-51
1380-25 mlPolyurethane45-7524-260.02-0.5180High processing speeds good solder ability high tanIEC 60317-51
Terebec TR 543-38 Allotherm 602l.35THEIC Polyesterimide+polymideimide750-850
0.315-1.6200Excellent hermetic & burnout resistance high speed wind abilityIS 13730-13 IEC 60317-13
Terebec SL225-40 A AL1013 BV/35THEIC Polyesterimide+polymideimide440-540
0.315-3.0200Excellent hermetic resistance improved mechanical propertiesIS 13730-13 IEC 60317-13
Terebec FNPolyesterimide85-10032-342.0-5.0 mm dia & upto 60 Sq mm rect155Good adherence for rectangular wiresIS 13730-3 /IEC 60317-3
IS 13730-16 /IEC 60317-16
Terebec Mt533-36PATHEIC Polyesterimide80-9035-371.6-5.0 mm dia & upto 60 Sq mm rect180Excellent adhesion heat shock & thermal resistanceIS 13730-8 /IEC 60317-8
IS 13730-28 /IEC 60317-28